Monday, July 4, 2016

Today is the 4th of July

I love my family.  And my cousins are nice. 

Why is the 4th of July special?  I have no idea.

I love mommy.

The baby is cute.  I'm staring at Minecraft.  I like Jumpstart.  I have not had breakfast.  Except for seaweed and bread.

We are going to watch fireworks tonight.  I want some milk.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Dad's birthday

Today is Daddy's birthday.  I think dinner is going to be yummy.  If there's broccoli, I'll eat the top.  I really like turtles. 

The crystal gems are the coolest.  When the like pull out their weapons its like so cool.  They like have these little crystal gems on their body.  One on the head and one on the hands and one right here (points to chest) and like right where your belly button is.  But it's just a movie. 

And like...they like fight some people that like ...bad guys.  But the coolest bad guy I know is like this little person that like that growed with lapis like a giant.  But I don't' know who the other person is. 

Whispered (that's all I want to say)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

My favorite number.
My favorite number is 101. 

Why is that your favorite number?  Because it's a lot.

What's today?  Do you know what's special about today? Sunday

That's right.  What else makes today special?  I don't know

Did you make anything special in Primary?  For Dad maybe?  A cookie maybe?  What's today?
My Daddy is number one!  There's a tag that shows a cookie on the back.  A number one the front.

A real cookie?  Yes!  Daddy said I could eat his cookie!

Garrett's watching the ghost videos where the house is haunted.  I hope it doesn't give me nightmares.  It shows this little white thing.  It's like haunting your houses.  It's just a movie though.

Don't forget the turtle!  No a picture of one!
My favorite animal is a turtle!  Turtles are cute!  I like turtles. 

That will be all.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

My First Post

I like Sam.  I love you.  I love you, my Mommy.  I like turtles.  I love my family.  I like my Daddy.  I love Samuel.

What's your favorite color?  Blue
What color are your eyes? Blue
What color is your hair?  I don't know.  It looks like grey.  Oh, blond!
What do you like to do?  I like to clean up the house.
Really?  Uh-huh
What makes you happy?  Playing with Samuel.
Where do you like to go? To Disneyland
What things do you like to make?  Turtles, but I don't know how to draw them.
Is there a toy that you've wanted but never got?  A green teddy bear.
Do you like to blog?  <nods>